Smart Travel

Smart Travels

How Wearable Technology can Change your Traveling Experience

Preparing for finals – yet at the end of each semester you find yourself in a state of panic and chaos. With all that stress on your hands you don’t have the time to plan your next trip in detail; but you should enjoy your life and your worldly travels. This is where the help of technology can change your traveling experience from stressful to helpful.

RocketBook: Doing homework on-the-go

As a student, there is always something to read, write, and learn. That is why RocketBook is the best new gadget for improving your note taking skills. You can now go from paper to digital in a matter of seconds. This is great for traveling because sometimes it’s better to write something down and type it later, particularly if you on a train with no wifi. RocketBook comes with a digital pen and smart app. You simply take a picture of your notes, and the app will automatically download the note to your email, dropbox, google account and more. Within the next year you can expect to find it on the market.

Price: $27 –

Jabra Coach Sport Wireless Headphones: Track your movement while listening to music

Having music or podcast to listen to while traveling is necessity. Having a comfortable pair of headphones, that are also informative and wireless only add the cherry on top. Jabra has designed a pair of sports wireless headphones that have an integrated heartrate sensor for activity tracking. You can use these headphones as you work out in the hotel gym, as well as when you are walking through the airport.

Prize: $149.99 –

Kyte & Key: Electric Leather

If you are the hip and innovative pea in the pod than the Kyte & Key bracelet plus money wallet are the products for you. Of course, you do not have to buy both of them – but it’s always more fun when there is more than one. The goal of Kyte & Key is to bring order into your chaos. They accomplish this by designing an elegant leather bracelet that is also a portable charging cable. The money clip wallet is more like a portable dual USB battery in disguise. Together these accessories make for one invisible James Bond who (conveniently) would never be caught with a dead cell phone.

Price: Battery Wallet $84; Bracelet Charger Cable $100-140 –

iLi: The Portable Translator

The device is meant for English speakers traveling to Chinese or Japan – or vise versa. At the moment the company is testing their product on business travelers, however soon enough they will include more languages and be for sale on the market. The idea of iLi is to say something to a person in your native tongue and listen for iLi to translate the sentence into the language of the person you are speaking to.

Price: around $200 –

RocketTags: The sticker for finding all your favorite items

QR Codes are the weird box with black and white encryption that you have to take a picture of and it takes you to a website. Even so, QR codes are a new and easy way of rapidly gaining more. RocketTags are essentially QR code stickers, but personalized for finding your valuables. Once you buy your RocketTag, then you can upload your info to the app by logging in. The trick to RocketTags is that the person that found your bag needs to visit the RocketTag ID website to be able to return it. Nonetheless they offer a cool way to protect your stuff with no limitations because it works all over the world.

Price: $15 –

How Wearable Technology can Change your Traveling Experience

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